Member Information
At this time, we feel that a strict policy of anonymity should be enforced and no personal information about members will
be divulged to the public at large unless a member specifically requests this notion. In the future, there will be a Group
created on Yahoo Networks for members only. At this time, it is too early in our organization's history to maintain a Group
discussion forum until we have more input from members on the issue. Please feel free to contact us with any comments or
suggestions on this matter.
Recent Events
We are currently in the process of recieving the status of a non-profit religious organization in the U.S.A. In other words,
we will be legally classified as a church but want to stress the fact that we are a "spiritual" organization and
not a fundamental religious entity. Our program is designed to meet the needs of our members on an individual basis. Each
member is an independent TEMPLE outside of our TEMPLE as a group. We feel that this is best to achieve each member's personal
aims and spiritual goals.